When Llama Spirit Animal comes your way, it’s time to ask yourself if you are taking on way too much. When that happens, you can’t function efficiently. There is a difference between hard work and burning out. Discovering your limits is part of the Llama’s lesson in survival. Take it to heart.

The second lesson from your Llama Animal Guide is about self-image and pride. Humility has its place, but that doesn’t mean letting yourself be treated like a floor mat. Do not let others treat you like an inconsequential accessory. Let Llama help you bolster confidence and dignity.

Sometimes Llama Medicine has to do with endurance. If you are facing what seems to be an overwhelming task, pause for a minute. Think of the best ways of tackling this without wasting your energy or relinquishing personal power. Llama provides focus and durability for the long haul ahead.

Certain cultures regard Llama as a Spirit of protection. Having Llama’s support when danger persists makes for a great ally. In particular, if you feel haunted by an unhappy spirit, Llama can assist in finding a means to give that soul rest.

Alternatively, Llama may be speaking to you about a lost dream or goal that you put on a shelf feeling utterly discouraged. Guess what? It’s time to dust that off. You have grown since that time, and Llama encourages you to follow your heart. You don’t need to rush, but standing still isn’t working.

Call on Llama & Alpaca Power Animal when you feel a call to pursue your dreams. You can also call on Alpaca as your Animal Ally for when you are in a situation requiring greater endurance than you can muster. Llama will support you in finding a balance between work and play. The creature’s energetic influence will help you discover a means of measuring your energy reserves as you develop an effective way of dealing with burdens or meeting demands and responsibilities.

Petition Llama as a Power Animal if you feel stuck with too many irons in the fire, or you want to work on self-improvement or to bolster your self-confidence. The creature supports you when you are trying to make others respect your limits, or during times where you are trying to release weighty emotions that have become burdensome, blocking your success and happiness. When you have something important you want others to hear, Llama helps claim your power and express what’s on your heart and mind

Love and Light
