Dragonfly Spiritual  Meaning

When the dragonfly spirit calls to you, you are being blessed with the wisdom of the ages. It is believed they are one of the first winged insects, to inhabited the Earth.

Dragonflies exist of their own accord. They are not here for us. Yet exploring dragonfly meaning and symbolism helps us to understand these ancients beings better, as well as our own place in the Universe.

If a dragonfly makes their presence known to you, whether it’s in real life, through the media, in art, or in some other setting, pay attention. There are no coincidences.

Allow the dragonfly who has crossed your path to expand your awareness. The dragonfly has a message for you.

Dragonflies are blessed with an abundance of unique traits. Throughout the world, they are viewed as symbols of self-realization, transformation, and change – even rebirth.

Dragonflies are born in or on the water, where they exist in their larval stage for months or even years before they molt and become adult dragonflies – the beautiful flying insects with clear wings that we love to see.

However, like butterflies, dragonflies only live as adults for a short period of time. Dragonflies remind you to seize the day and live in the present. Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

Dragonflies also symbolizes that change is imminent. This change can be a personal transformation, a change in an area of your life, or change in your relationship with someone else.

Because dragonflies’ time in their Earthly manifestations is temporal, they are also symbols of opportunity. Timing is important. If you are presented with a promising opportunity, jump on it, as it may not come again. The dragonfly says, “Now is the time.”

The dragonfly’s unique flying skills remind you to be more flexible.

While they are insects, dragonflies are still considered to be powerful spirit “animals” to many. As with other spirit animals, the dragonfly spirit serve as a guide to help you navigate your life path here on Earth.

According to many Native American traditions, you don’t necessarily choose your spirit animals, and you can have more than one. Instead, they choose you. They come and go, but always come to you at the right time.

When a dragonfly makes itself known to you in a way that riveted your attention, by flying in front of you, grabbing your attention in art, on a piece of jewelry, in the media, or elsewhere. It is telling you, I’m here as a spirit guide, to help guide you on your souls journey.

Your dragonfly spirit guide reminds you that you are here to learn and evolve. Born in the water, dragonflies evolve to become airborne beings. Water represents your subconscious, and the air your intellect. Your dragonfly spirit guide reminds you to use your intellectual curiosity, not just your gut instincts and intuition, to learn and to evolve in this lifetime.

When the dragonfly is your spirit guide, pay attention to your dreams and the ideas that pop into your head, seemingly from out of nowhere. The dragonfly spirit helps you to turn your creative ideas and “aha moments” into reality in the material world.

The dragonfly’s clear and iridescent wings show you the beauty and magic in life. In a dragonfly’s wings is the miracle of nature and the ancient wisdom of evolution. The dragonfly’s wings are also iridescent, magically reflecting every color of the rainbow.

The dragonfly spirit animal reminds you that miracles can originate from the simplest of ideas and from things that appear to be delicate, frail, and temporal. Roald Dahl said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
The dragonfly spirit reminds you that creating something wonderful in your life starts with a vision of what you want to make happen.

For as long as humans have lived on Earth, dragonflies have been here.
Dragonflies are not directly mentioned in the Bible. Yet for many Christians, they are representative of the rebirth of Christ and his ascent to Heaven. Dragonflies evolve dramatically in their lifetimes, just as Jesus did. This evolution is one of the tenets of Christianity: You have within you the power to do better, to forgive, and to be forgiven.