• Legend says the blade of Archangel Michael's sword was made of Kyanite. Slice through negative emotions and toxic ties with the power of Black Kyanite. It is said to protect your energy field from energy vampires (people who seem to always drain your energy), relationships or people who feast on your positive vibrations but offer nothing in return. Cut cords from any negative attachments with this crystal in hand. Black Kyanite is also known as ‘witches broom’. It is called so because it sweeps all of the negative energy and debris. Black kyanite is the triclinic crystal system of silicates and forms in twisted or stringy long crystals. It appears as dark gray to dark black. Kyanite, likewise citrine is one of the minerals of the planet that neither retains negative energy nor accumulates it and thus never requires cleansing. This stone posses great strength and metaphysical properties. Black Kyanite aids in the manifestation of vision and clairvoyance. Full of healing energy, Black Kyanite is a favorite among energy healers, and is especially helpful in body layouts. Black Kyanite can be placed on any chakra to send healing energy to any tears or holes in the chakras and the aura.
  • Carnelian stone is an excellent grounding stone. It stimulates one’s energy and is a strong motivator and creative aid. This stone is also great for wiping negative energy from other stones used for healing.
  • A Chakra bracelet, also known as a Chakra Energy Healing Bracelet is usually made up of seven different colored beads. Its purpose and meaning is to help balance your seven energy centers. Most energy healing bracelets are constructed of chakra cleansing stones and colors that are associated with each of your chakras.
  • Out of stock
    This bundle features: *The Evil Eye Keychain (aka Lucky Eye, description below) *Prana Agarbatti incense & incense holder *Rutilated Quartz *Energy Candle *Palsanto powder and wooden burner *All Packaged in Organza Bags, and in homemade Soulful Heart Readings drawstring backpack.  
  • The Lapis Lazuli crystal is associated with the third eye chakra, the energy center that processes the essence of your inner spirit. When you wear the stone as jewelry or meditate with a single tumbled stone, you can channel the ancient Egyptians and their belief in its power to stimulate a connection to the spirit world.
  • Mahogany Obbsidian, White Jade and Hematite Grounding and Protection Bracelet The ultimate bodyguard, Mahogany Obsidian is A hugely protective stone, this one is perfect for people who feel vulnerable to psychic or energy attack's. It is often used to remove energy cords between people that sap energy and violate boundaries. White Jade, is a gemstone that holds a lot of meaning and plenty of healing properties. It’s believed that it has a positive and brilliant power of light that’s right within the stone. These fantastic gems activates the root, heart and crown chakra and has strong grounding properties
  • All of my Spiritual Boxes are put together with your well being in mind.  I hand pick and or make all items. Each and every item brings positive energy, harmony, spiritual growth, and infused with Reiki Healing Energy, to enhance your connection with the Divine. Join our Soulful Hearts Club with this monthly membership.
    • Receive a coupon every month! ($5.00 to be used on a service or product)
    • Receive a Different Crystal every month!
    • Receive products for an Aura cleanse each month! (2 small bottles of Aura cleanse essential oil,  Bath salts for 2 Aura Cleanse baths!)
    • Plus an additional 4 to 6 additional Spiritual Items, ie (Gemstone bracelet, dreamcatcher, incense, journal, etc items change monthly)
    • A box to store items (box and size can vary depending on availability)
    • Every item helps with your spiritual journey!
    • Long Distance Reiki Healing Monthly!
    • Receive free shipping on orders over $60!  USA ONLY
    • Risk free membership, Cancel at anytime!
  • Rainbow moonstone meaning is about deep spirituality and connection with inner self, and a good stone to promote inner balance in life. The properties of moonstone use for spiritual and physical healing. Moonstone has been known for centuries as a stone that reflects the philosophy of gentle moon.
  • Sardonyx combines the grounding and protecting energies of Onyx, with the strength and courage energies of Carnelian. This stone helps bring out one’s inner strength, to move it towards accomplishing your dreams and goals. Sardonyx should serve as a daily reminder that anything is possible in life as long as you put all your energy and focus into it. Using your pendulum for Divination is a tool for your own spiritual journey. Working with it will make it your own, by putting your own energies into the pendulum. Clear it with either cool water, use sage, or selinite crystal. Then hold your pendulum in your hands and say a prayer. Call on your Angels, guides and spiritual team to assist you with your questions. Once you have your energy into the pendulum, you are ready to work. In order to be sure that your answers are accurate, sit down at a desk or table, so there is support under your elbow. To begin using a pendulum, hold it in your dominant hand. I like to loop my chain over my index finger with the end of the chain between my thumb and index finger, and the pendulum swinging freely. Now you need to allow it to set itself for the answers. Set the tip on the pendulum in the palm of your hand very lightly touching. Lift it up and ask the pendulum, are you ready to work. It should start swinging in a huge circle. Once that is swinging, tell it to stop and you can allow the pendulum to rest back into your palm. Then pull it slightly above the palm again and ask it show you a yes. It will either sway up or down or from side to side. When you get that answer take a note. Say stop and do the process again and ask it to show you a no. This is how you determine your yes and no. The more you work with it the more comfortable you will be. Ask simple questions that the pendulum can answer with a yes or no. If it appears to give you no answer, then it would be a maybe, or the energy has not quite made up its mind. Don't get discourage, energy can changes daily. When you are finished hold the pendulum in your hand and say thank you for answering my questions and guiding me on my path.
  • All of my Spiritual Boxes are put together with your well being in mind.  I hand pick and or make all items. Each and every item brings positive energy, harmony, spiritual growth, and infused with Reiki Healing, to enhance your connection with the Divine. All my handmade bracelets are Standard 7" made with genuine Gemstones.   I make, gather and pack all spiritual boxes when ordered.  It assures you that your box is Spirit guided just for you. This box contains the best crystals, to help you on your journey.1 Ametheyst point (2"-4") 1 Clear Quartz point (2"-4") 1 Selinite Heart (2.5"-3") 1 Rainbow Moonstone 1 sage smudging set (includes 4-5" shell and smudging feather) 1 15 minute chat reading 1 Bottle of Soulful Heart Essential Oil Aura Clearing infused with crystal chips 1 Bottle of Essential oil, infused with crystal chips, made for Divine Partnership, unconditional love 1 Divine Partnership Oneness Energy Bracelet, Made by Chloe, (I chose the best crystal beads to open your heart. Nebular, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, turquoise) 7 chakra stones to open and keep open your chakras. 1 Pendulum + instructions (crystal can vary) (instructions downloaded at time of purchase) 1 Soapstone Inlay Trinket box Information Cards on each crystal Nylon Bags for each crystal A Wooden Box to keep everything together. (wooden box may vary depending on the supply that I can find.) (you will always find an added surprise to each box)

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