• During this 30 minute chat reading, I will use all my gifts to answer all your questions. I will also pass along all spiritual messages that I receive.
  • 1. Nebular Stone. The "Becoming Stone" Brings together the many particles of both inner and outer life existence, awakening positive cellular energy, whilst raising conscious awareness. Thus helping all life sources to become as one. Found in 1995, its energies are still being brought forward. 2. Labradorite activates the inner eye allowing one to more clearly envision the past, future, and distant places. It can assist one in moving into alternate levels of consciousness and vibration, helping one to consciously ‘move between the worlds. 3. Turquoise Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies . Turquoise strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields, enhancing communication between the physical and spiritual worlds. Placed on the Third Eye, it supports intuition and meditation. 4. Rose Quartz: Promotes unconditional love, peace, and compassion; Inspires self-love; Promotes an attitude of Loving kindness. 5. Black Onyx: Black Onyx is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for self-discipline issues. Because it helps to hold physical memories, Black Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues. Black Onyx is wonderful for meditation and dreaming. When using Black Onyx for either of these purposes, it is recommended to use a secondary grounding stone in combination with the Onyx.
  •   Provide me with Yours and Your Divine Partners Date of Birth and last time there was contact. I will decode the information and send an email with my findings and instructions as how to proceed on your journey. I look forward to working with you on this level.
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    This bundle features: *The Evil Eye Keychain (aka Lucky Eye, description below) *Prana Agarbatti incense & incense holder *Rutilated Quartz *Energy Candle *Palsanto powder and wooden burner *All Packaged in Organza Bags, and in homemade Soulful Heart Readings drawstring backpack.  
  • "Your Soul has lived all your lifetimes." During this chat reading, I will tap into your past life and bring forward any important information that is needed to help you on your journey in this lifetime.

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